And here is my little man - (with his first official black eye, can you see it?) rocking out with his Wiggles could I have been in a bad mood with this little cutie? Ha ha...I don't know, but luckily I'm over it now:)!!
Love you all!
What can you do to make God love you more? NOTHING
What can you do to make God love you less? NOTHING
The fact that God loves us has nothing to do with the things we do or don't do. He just loves us. He created us to love us. And just because we sin (which we all do) He does not love us less. There are alot of Christians out there that make you believe you have to be "perfect" for God to love you. They try to make you think that if you don't live the same life and make the same decisions that they do - you just aren't good enough for God.
But guess what? GOD LOVES TO LOVE ON YOU. Don't let Satan tell you any different. Yes, of course we want to please God and try to avoid sinning. We want to repent when we do sin, and ask God for forgiveness. But He is NOT gonna give up on you. That's why He is called GOD...he loves when no one else could or would.
Ok - so I will stop rambling, those are just my thoughts, my opinions...Hope everyone has a wonderful week full of God's blessings!
P.S. Just had to add this on - yesterday on the way home from the babysitters, we were listening to the radio and the news came on. They said something about Barack Obama and Max yells "Mom, Barack Obama (he can say his name PERFECTLY) - he is our favorite president!" How adorable is that - Max already knows who our president is. What a smarty-pants:)!!