We have been spending most evenings at our home-in-progress, doing little things that will mean alot to us later (cause our own sweat and tears went into it). Last night we were putting a coat of polyurethane on the cathedral ceiling, which is covered in coffetree wood that Gabe cut in his sawmill, planed, and tongue-in-grooved - here is a picture of his pride and joy:

Here are a few more pictures from what has been done lately at the house:

Master bedroom and bath
Exterior with fireplace
Last night while we were working on the ceiling, we had lots of visitors and helpers:) At one point Gabe's aunt and uncle, Teresa and Nelson came to check things out. Teresa and I were standing in the garage talking, and she told me a story that really made me change my perspective on things. She was telling me about a friend that traveled to Belize on a mission trip. A little boy came up to her friend and tugged on his jeans, getting his attention for a few questions he had. The little boy asked if the man was rich. The man answered that it depends on what you consider rich. Here was the boy's response:
"Do you own a car?"
The man: "yes"
"Do you own two cars?"
The man: "yes"
"Then you are rich. Is it true that people in America build houses for their cars?"
The man was speechless, not sure how to respond.
So here I am standing in my brand-new garage, embarrassed to admit some of my actions lately.
I complain because it will be another week before we can move in, while others beg God for a shelter to sleep under tonight.
I think to myself that I need to call and get another layer of rock on the driveway, while others walk miles with bare feet to get water for the day.
I write down measurements for a mattress in Max's room, while others lay on dirt floors with no covers to keep them warm or no pillows to rest their heads.
I complain about the money I have had to spend on light fixtures and bulbs, while others have never had electricity in their home.
I whine because it seems to hot to work on our deck, while others look out their windows to a view of run-down shacks, starving children, and human desperation.
I ask God to forgive me for complaining, whining, worrying, and being unappreciative. I have everything I need and more - and one day when it is time for me to leave this world, THINGS will mean NOTHING. I'm so glad my perspective has changed - from one little boy's sweet questions about America.
“I would rather be able to appreciate things I can not have than to have things I am not able to appreciate.” ~ Elbert Hubbard