It made me think back to something Richard mentioned at church on Sunday. He was talking about people being broken. Being so emotionally upset, worn out, exasperated...just broken before God. But then he asked us to look at the stained glass window to his left. Look at the mosiac pattern - do you know how they had to make this window? It was all these tiny broken pieces of glass that they stained different colors and put back together - to make a breath-takingly beautiful pattern.
When we are shattered, broken people, God comes into our lives and picks up the broken pieces, adds color and meaning to each piece...he puts us all back together in a new way we never would have thought of and we become a new and beautiful individual.
I believe I had to be completely broken in order to be who I am today, in order to stop and appreciate the little things like my son and the amazing father figure he now has in his life snuggled up and loving each other. I had to be in my darkest days, I had to suffer the heartache, I had to surrender everything to Him so that I can revel in sunny days like this. So I can look inside myself and find change for the good, see meaning in the small things...

Abbie-Thank you so much for this post...You are such a beautiful person and I am so glad I have you as a friend in my life...I never would have thought I would get out of feeling broken, but you (your pastor) is right that God does come into our lives and picks up those pieces and puts us back together to become something we never thought we would become...I appreciate more and more each day and I try not take things for granted. I find piece knowing that God has never left me, but is behind picking up the pieces as I was following apart and carefully placing them back so I can be whole again. Thank you
Abs- I really really really needed this today. Thank you!
Great post!! I totally agree with this....everything is for a reason. Everything we do in life makes each one of us who we are.
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