He still goes to school each morning with Uncle Clay...Max really looks up to Clay, and wants to be a teacher one day just like his uncle.
Last year at the beginning of kindergarten I did a short "interview" with Max, so I kept the same questions this year (and added a few) and plan to compare his answers thru the years!
Max's favorites at the start of Kindergarten:
Color: Orange
Favorite school lunch: Pizza
Sport: Basketball
Toy: Legos
TV show: Power Rangers
Sports Team: St. Louis Cardinals
Insect: Ant
Books: Bearenstein Bears
Past time/Hobbies: Play basketball and baseball
Best friend: Landon Knepp
Quote: "You just got served!"
Dream Car: Lamborghini
Future Occupation: Professional basketball player like Micheal Jordan
Least favorite thing to do: Go to the dentist or eat vegetables