Wednesday, January 7, 2009

OK- so imagine this...

Head pounding as if someone just hit it with a baseball bat...
Throat so sore that it feels like each time you swallow you have just eaten a handful of thorns...
Lymph nodes so swollen that your neck resembles that of an NFL linebacker's...
The antibiotics that are supposed to be healing you are ripping your stomach apart...

YUP - this pretty much describes how I've felt the last two days, stuck at home with strep throat:(
Someone come save me!! On second thought - I don't blame you for not wanting to be exposed to the nasty, very contangious GERMS!! Hope everyone else is having a better Wednesday than I am:)!!


April Stilwell said...

Hope you feel better Abbie!

Anonymous said...

geez! i've never heard anyone whine so much about a little sore throat.
:)im kidding of course...hope you get better soon.

Unknown said...

Poor Abbie! I hope you get to feeling better soon. Strep throat is awful. Miss ya:)

Tera said...

Can I send virtual hugs so I don't catch the germs?! :) Hope you are feeling better soon!

Jamie Truelove said...

I've only had strep one time in my life...I'd rather have 3 babies and a pap smear than have strep again!!! Hope you feel better

Ashley said...

you make me even feel bad just reading that.haha. sounds pretty bad! hope you start to feeling better soon, very soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey Abbie
Hope you feel better before tomorrows game. Hopfully we will play better than we did in the GP tourny lol. Feel Better

Anonymous said...

Ok so Im stupid anonymous. Let me try that again.

Jenelle said...

I feel for you, I had this the week before xmas and was down for 3 days, it was miserable. Hope it passes fast!

Chelsa said...

hope you're feeling better soon :(

Jen said...

Hey There -

I just pulled up your blog for your playlist. LOL! I love reading your daily words of wisdom and devotions. You make me want to have a better walk with Christ.