Tuesday, August 25, 2009


The closing for the house was cancelled for today...but thank you to all who were praying for me!! It's been put off until Friday :( I know it's not the end of the world...but it's starting to feel that way...


Chasity said...

oh my goodness - when I saw your blog title I immediately thought something had gone horribly wrong and the whole DEAL was cancelled...whew - thanks for the heart attack :) glad to hear its just been POSTPONED, not cancelled!! I'll be thinking about you on Friday!

Jenelle said...

Aww hate to hear that. I was thinking of you about 4:15pm today praying all was going well. I'll just have to keep sending them up till Friday! Good Luck!

Tera said...

Ok, I could have seriously just written Chas's post except the word that came to my mind was "re-scheduled!" ;) I am glad to hear things are still on...although I know how anxious you are for this to just be over. Praying...