Let's start out by talking about my yard sale - WOW - what a day:)!! I worked all last week (in the evenings) getting ready for my yard sale, but all the hard work turned out to be worth it! We had a great turnout, fantastic weather, and I made more money than I EVER had from a yard sale:) Yeah, me:)!! I couldn't have done it without the help of my ever faithful cousin Chas, my mom who helped watch Max while I was preparing, and the graciousness of friends and even strangers (who bought more than they normally would or those who snuck a few extra bills into my pocket!!) Anyway - thank you to everyone who came, helped, or bought anything:) The crazy thing is, I am having it again this weekend (since I found out Cumback is having their community yard sale). I thought since I already had everything tagged, I might as well give it one more shot:)!! Anything extra will be a bonus!
The rest of the weekend was filled with hard work also...my mom, my brothers, and a few of their buddies helped me pack up most of my stuff from the house and move it! What would I do without family?? They give and give so unselfishly - and I only hope that I can return the favor one day!! It took us all of Sat. evening and most of the day Sunday to move my stuff - but we ended up having fun and and quality time together:) I am truly blessed!! I took some pictures of Max on Sat. night with his new camo shirt from Uncle Cole - ok, so it's super big but he can sleep in it:)!! Here is my sweet little man... Taaaa...daaaaa.....and there is his little dance:)!!
Then on Sunday we picked up Gil for church and listened to Maury speak - he is also a great speaker who I truly "get" and enjoy! He was discussing what it meant to be a "disciple" of Christ...not just believing in Him, but following Him. He really made me think when he talked of the time when Jesus met with the fishermen and asked them to drop their nets and follow Him and he would make them "fishers of men." Maury said that they dropped everything and followed him...no hesitation. But what really struck me is that Maury said that these men KNEW that this was no short-term commitment...they realized the enourmousy of the commitment and they still did not have to even think of their decision - they just knew they had to go. How willing would we be today to "drop everything" and follow Jesus? I know at times I am WAY too attached to the earthly treasures I have...but I want to be like these men!! I want to not even have to think about it, just drop everything, and follow Him. Not think twice, not have any doubts, not have any regrets - knowing it would be a lifelong commintment...just follow Him and be his disciple. I can't stop thinking about how exciting life would be:)!!
i wondered when the cumback yard sales were going to be going on... i thought they were earlier last year! glad you had a good turn out saturday! and that the move went well...
We talked about the very same scripture at our church on Sunday...so challenging.
Thanks for that prayer :) I returned the favor and prayed for your grandma too. I'll keep ya updated, you do the same!
p.s. i think even if we don't find a battery for the harley, you made B one VERYYYY happy little boy! he won't get off the thing! and he tells EVERYONE that he has a harley just like his papaw rick! haha
Mrs. Abbie! How have you been. I just got hooked on this blogging thing. tlamar7.blogspot.com is mine. Hope all is weel. keep in touch
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